Welcome to the December Crucible As the year draws to a close after a busy conference season, welcome to this year’s last issue of the Crucible, which looks back on…
Welcome to the December Crucible
Welcome to the December Crucible As the year draws to a close after a busy conference season, welcome to this year’s last issue of the Crucible, which looks back on…
Space and the Shape of Things to Come
High hopes for Hafnium
Titanium market weighs certification of Chinese sponge
Welcome to new MMTA Members
The Minor Metals Trade Association is pleased to welcome three new members who joined the MMTA in September. Tungsten Vietnam JSC is a tungsten producer situated in Thai Nguyen, Vietnam. It…
The Outlook for Battery Metals
Cobalt sulfate: the state of play and what’s to come
Molymet launches Mo Re powders
China’s export controls rock global antimony market
News in Brief
Thank you to all the US members who contributed to the MMTA consultation on the Office of US Trade Representative’s (USTR) consultation on Section 301 tariffs that included proposed 25%…
The Woman Who Discovered Rhenium
Drought and electricity shortages – but Mufulira battles on
Tantalum smelters wary of DRC, Rwanda sourcing
Welcome to the June Crucible
Dear MMTA Members, Welcome to the June issue of the Crucible, the magazine of the Minor Metals Trade Association. Looking ahead to LME Week Before we dive into the news…
The Big Picture
Welcome to the May Crucible
Dear MMTA Members, Welcome to your May edition of the Crucible magazine, This is its first issue since the MMTA’s International Minor Metals Conference and AGM took place in Singapore…
Metal markets take stock of new US tariffs on China
International Minor Metals Conference 2024
Welcome to the Crucible Conference edition
The MMTA International Minor Metals Conference 2024 In this issue you will find information about the MMTA’s International Minor Metals Conference, including programme and speakers and members standing for…
Less Common Metals — building a sustainable REE supply chain
Battery demand reshaping the manganese market
News in Brief
Dear MMTA Members, Welcome to your February-March edition of the MMTA magazine, the Crucible. After the Lunar New Year holidays in February, that are already feeling like a lifetime ago,…
Gallium in Space
To be, or not to be, an agent
MMTA News: Join the MMTA Board
News in Brief
Happy New Year 2024 And welcome to this year’s first edition of the Crucible. As we look forward to 2024, new regulations are already coming into play that encompass…
Some positive signs for Mufulira in 2024
Impact of graphite export restrictions in China
Platinum Group Metals Face Generational Shifts
The MMTA is hiring: Membership Administrative Assistant
EU gives the green light to the CRM Act
After months of deliberations, the European Parliament voted in the second week of December 2023 to adopt the Critical Raw Materials Act. The key aim of this legislation, aside from…
Heneken expands in South Africa and North America
MMTA events and News in Brief
Rare Earths: Heading for a hangover?
Why the rare earths industry needs transparency now more than ever
China’s export controls rock global antimony market
Antimony prices have been on a rapid uptrend since Beijing announced the addition of antimony and some of its products to China’s export licensing scheme from 15 September, and with…
What’s on where in LME Week
Navigating the niobium pricing paradox
A quiet technological revolution: Cadmium and Tellurium
Australia’s ambition to supply the world’s critical minerals
In June this year the Australian Government released its Critical Minerals Strategy for the period to 2030. In this guest article, the Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade) sets out…
What does H2 2023 look like for critical materials?
The evolving black mass market
Mission Improbable: Reshaping DRC’s artisanal mining
Finders aren’t keepers in a salvaged silver case
Amid the perilous egg-and-spoon race for seabed exploration, we don’t often get a chance to focus on a more traditional kind of hunting for precious metals on the seabed. Associated…
News Roundup
MMTA International Minor Metals Conference 2023 Report
OBITUARY Trevor Tarring
Niobium in batteries: When a downside can be an asset
Hold the date for upcoming MMTA events
Next week (24-2 April) we look forward to welcoming our members and guests at the MMTA International Minor Metals Conference in Charlotte, NC, USA. Join us for our Anniversary Reception…
News in Brief – End Markets Roundup
A critical time for European lithium
News in Brief
Critical materials underpinning energy transition: Lithium
The last 50 years – a short look into the minute book
Notes from the other side: Retired metal merchant, Anthony Lipmann, illuminates trading for the young entering the world of metals. The inaugural meeting of The Minor Metals Traders* Association (now…
News in Brief
Declining supply supports molybdenum prices
Celebrate MMTA’s 50th anniversary with us!
Join us for the MMTA’s 50th anniversary reception with outdoor games on the terrace of Grand Bohemian Hotel in Charlotte, NC, at 6pm on Tuesday 24 April, at the opening…
The rocks and a hard place
Five tips to become the perfect metal merchant
Cobalt and nickel supply chains reshaped by Indonesian investments
Scandinavian Steel signs molybdenum MoU with Greenland Resources
Electric vehicle demand faces geopolitical turbulence
New US and EU tariffs on Chinese EV supply chains look to further isolate China from its EV ambitions Against a backdrop of slowing electric vehicle (EV) demand growth, the…
News in Brief
For want of a nail…
Letter from North America
Critical materials underpinning energy transition – Scandium
News in Brief
Go, Go, Gallium After several false starts, NASA’s Artemis I mission took off from Kennedy Space Center in Florida on 16 November, the first in a series of complex missions…
REETec secures investment for first industrial rare earths plant
Member profile: London Chemicals and Resources
MMTA welcomes new Academic Affiliate members
MMTA LME Week events
MMTA 49th Anniversary Dinner The MMTA 49th anniversary dinner will be held at 7pm on Tuesday 25 October 2022 at the magnificent De Vere Grand Connaught Rooms, London. The beautiful…
View from North America
News in Brief
Critical materials underpinning energy transition: Cobalt
MMTA remembers HM Queen Elizabeth II
The MMTA and its membership are deeply saddened by the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, who reigned as Monarch of the United Kingdom for almost 70 years. The…
Umicore opens Europe’s first gigafactory
News in Brief
Notes from the other side…
The UK Critical Minerals Strategy
The UK government’s new Critical Minerals Strategy aims to safeguard the UK’s supply security for critical raw materials. The strategy will be informed by the newly set up Critical Minerals…
News in Brief
News in Brief — End Market Round-up
MMTA Discount Codes
Critical materials underpinning energy transition: Rare Earths
News in brief
3D printing, lithium power NASA’s Moon mission As this edition was going to press, NASA launched its CAPSTONE satellite to the Moon. This is the first step of…
News in Brief — End Market Round-up
Notes from the other side
REACH in a post-Brexit United Kingdom
Niobium might seem like a strange choice for Project Blue’s first submission to the Crucible on the subject of critical materials underpinning energy transition. After all, it’s mostly used in…
Notes from the other side: Attention to detail!
In Brief — End Market Round-up
Paths to financing future minor metals production
The world of minor metals can be a cruel and unforgiving place. As valuable as these metals are, global markets are small. Tantalum is essential in every computer logic chip.…
MMTA AGM minutes 2022
News in Brief — End Market Round-up
MMTA International Minor Metals Conference 2022 Round-Up
Trade Contact Group on Ukraine/Russia measures
International Minor Metals Conference 2022: Preview
In just a few days, the MMTA is delighted to be welcoming members and delegates in person to the historic UK city of Sheffield for the International Minor Metals Conference…
Scandium emerges from the shadows
Welcome to Polina Sparks at MMTA Member Services
News in Brief — End Market Round-up
News in Brief
China’s raw materials plan targets five key development areas by 2025
China’s raw materials plan targets five key development areas by 2025 The country’s new five-year raw materials plan highlights that industry consolidation, environmental considerations, and supply chain security will underpin…
Notes from the other side- Travels with my elements
News in Brief – End market statistics
Fastmarkets- Minor Metals In Focus: Selenium
Tantalum market poised to double by 2031
Notes from the other side…
Notes from the other side… Retired metal merchant, Anthony Lipmann, illuminates metal trading for the young about to enter the world of metals. So, you want to be a…
MMTA Member Announcement – CCMA, LLC
News in Brief
Minor Metals In Focus: Indium
China’s RE supply increasing to meet growing demand
International Minor Metals Conference 2022: Preview
In just a few days, the MMTA is delighted to be welcoming members and delegates in person to the historic UK city of Sheffield for the International Minor Metals Conference…
Scandium emerges from the shadows
Welcome to Polina Sparks at MMTA Member Services
News in Brief — End Market Round-up
News in Brief
Fastmarkets-Minor Metal In Focus: Antimony
Minor Metal In Focus: Antimony In our monthly column for the MMTA, we will be shining the spotlight on a different minor metal each edition, looking at current market…
Overview of Current Antimony Industry
HFW Legal insights
Part 2: The metal student’s dilemma – ‘What can I read?’
THE MMTA IS HIRING – Member Services Administrative Assistant
THE MMTA IS HIRING Member Services Administrative Assistant Remote working only 16- 20 hours per week (negotiable) The Minor Metals Trade Association is looking for an administrative assistant to support…
HFW Legal insights London Calling… Off spec – off side?
China Rare Earth Market Development Status
ESC recommendations on Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism
MMTA International Minor Metals Conference 2021 Round-Up
Dear Members, This year’s MMTA International Minor Metals Conference was opened by MMTA Chairwoman Donna Vareha-Walsh of Indium Corporation welcoming and thanking all to our conference and noting that some…
The MMTA’s 48th Anniversary Dinner
MMTA members joined RWM– Recycling & Waste Management Exhibition
New salts raise the bar for lithium ion battery technology
SAVE THE DATE The MMTA’s 47th Anniversary Dinner One Great George Street Tuesday 12th October 2021 Dear Members, We are please to inform you that will be returning…
Roskill: Cobalt as a vital technology enabler
Ruthenium and cryptocurrencies
Ruthenium and cryptocurrencies It seems as though Bitcoin is in the mainstream news every day, but did you know there are other cryptocurrencies which are less known? If you follow…
稀土是一种重要的战略资源,具有无法取代的优异磁、光、电性能,对改善产品性能,增加产品品种,提高生产效率起到了巨大的作用。被广泛应用于冶金、石油化工、玻璃陶瓷、电子电器等传统领域,以及新材料、新能源、智能装备、电子通讯、轨道交通等新兴领域。稀土是现代工业中不可或缺的重要元素。 众所周知,中国是稀土资源较为丰富的国家之一,也是世界上最大的稀土生产、应用和出口国。但是,中国稀土行业达成当前的局面,是业内经过多年努力的结果。 稀土开发在造福人类的同时,与之相伴的资源和环境问题不断凸显。在稀土开发利用中,资源的合理利用和环境的有效保护是世界面临的共同挑战。近年来,中国在稀土的开采、生产、出口等环节综合采取措施,加大资源和环境保护的力度,努力促进稀土行业持续健康发展。 2006年以来,中国开始对稀土矿产品和稀土冶炼分离产品实施总量进行控制,以期实现对稀土资源有序、高效利用的目标。年度计划一般分两批,分别在上半年和下半年下达。近年来,中国稀土生产指标以稳定且较快的速度逐年提高。2021年度稀土开采、冶炼分离总量控制指标分别为168000吨和162000吨(稀土氧化物REO),同比分别增长20%。 在2016年,中国成立了6大稀土集团,随后的几年,行业整合与大集团内部治理革新持续进行,最终形成了中国稀有稀土股份有限公司、五矿稀土集团有限公司、中国北方稀土(集团)高科技股份有限公司、厦门钨业股份有限公司、中国南方稀土集团有限公司、广东省稀土产业集团有限公司为行业主体的大集团产业协同发展模式。六大稀土集团基本都依托资源和技术优势,业务涵盖稀土资源开发、稀土冶炼分离和稀土功能材料的全产业链。在总量控制计划的指导下,国内主要稀土资源的开发利用告别了恶行竞争而带来的过度开发现象。 黑稀土、稀土生产领域的各种违法行为曾经是长期困扰中国稀土产业健康发展的顽疾。2008年至今,工信部会同公安、海关等多个部门开展相关的打击和整治工作,打击工作由浅入深,在主要稀土资源省区大范围开展。随着稀土大集团整合的完成,首先是北方地区的各类稀土违法现象都得了极其显著的控制。其后随着稀土专用发票、稀土产品追溯体系的建立,南方地区的稀土违法现象也得到了显著控制,黑稀土、走私等违法行为已经基本退出历史舞台。 中国是最重要的稀土供应国,为全球稀土市场包括中国提供了90%的稀土供应量。主要出口产品包括稀土金属及合金、稀土氧化物和稀土化合物。主要出口目的地是美国、日本以及一些欧洲国家。中国稀土行业在产量稳定增长的同时,对全球其他国家的供应量也在增加。根据中国海关发布的最新的数据,今年前8个月,中国累计出口稀土金属及合金6152.9吨,同比增长56.12%;出口稀土氧化物1.52万吨,同比增长32.8%;出口稀土盐类产品1.04万吨,同比增长15.14%。另外,目前稀土最主要的下游应用领域是磁材,中国生产的稀土永磁材料出口到全球100多个国家和地区。今年前8个月,中国累计出口稀土永磁材料3.13万吨,同比增长39.47%。 随着经济全球化的深入发展,中国在稀土领域的国际交流合作日益增多。中国一贯尊重规则,信守承诺,为世界提供了大量的稀土产品。中国将继续按照世界贸易组织规则,加强稀土行业的科学管理,向国际市场供应稀土产品,为世界经济发展和繁荣作出贡献。 北京安泰科信息股份有限公司 稀有稀土和绿色发展项目部稀土专家 张睿
MMTA 新成员——贵溪大三元集团
Market bearish as Indonesian cobalt metal to further oversupply Europe In this article for the Crucible, Nathan Day build on S & P Commodity Insights Critical Minerals Briefing published in…
CrucibleThe Crucible: December 2024
Titanium market weighs certification of Chinese sponge
by Polina Sparks December 19, 2024Market participants across the titanium value chain are weighing the potential for certification and penetration of Chinese titanium sponge into aerospace and defence market applications, as they consider lower Chinese…
CrucibleThe Crucible: December 2024
Trump presidency: the impact on critical material supply chains
by Polina Sparks December 19, 2024Following the preliminary results of the US election, Project Blue examines the potential impact the Trump-Vance administration may have on critical materials and associated downstream sectors. We expect some deviation…