In 2015, an estimated 62% of global tantalum supply came from Africa, 45% of it from Central Africa, mainly from Rwanda and the DRC. That was not the case in the past and it may not be the case in future….
June 2016
The future of the United Kingdom in the EU will be put to the vote in a referendum on the 23rd June. With the campaigns on both sides of the debate becoming increasingly hostile….
By Tom Butcher In addition to its base metal, oil and other natural resources, Brazil has considerable wealth in a variety of minor metals. Brazil has been having a very…
By Tamra Alliot Vanadium may be seeking a leading position in the renewable energy revolution. The tricky issue of energy storage could be solved with vanadium redox flow batteries (RFBs).…
By Gina Evangelidis The European solar industry grew by 15% in 2015, continuing Europe’s reign as the chief continent for solar powered energy. Germany is currently the biggest player in…
Inspired by the 'liquid wire' technique in spider webs, scientists have created novel composite fibres which extend like a solid and compress like a liquid. Pulling on a sticky thread…
Members and associates of the MMTA were welcomed to the offices of Holman Fenwick Willan on 26th May for a breakfast seminar on Counterparty Insolvency, Warehouse Fraud and a short…
The humble bicycle, popular since… well that’s quite a disputed date, but from the early 1800s, the ancestors of the modern-day bicycle were certainly in use. One prominent version was the Draisienne….
Hypersonic travel that could propel people from London to Sydney in just two hours is one step closer to reality, following a successful test. The project, which saw US and Australian military scientists combine resources, is on track to launch in 2018….
Visual Capitalist produces some fantastic infographics, and they kindly gave the Crucible permission to reproduce them. After the popularity of ‘What’s in an iPhone 6’, we’re getting inside another consumer of minor metals….