Member Benefits!!! - Please check with Conference organisers for any date changes ARGUS MEDIA Six-week free trial for Argus Metals International’s publications: Minor & Specialty Metals Battery Materials Monthly outlook…
AGM Minutes 2022 Final pdf
CrucibleThe Crucible: February 2022The Crucible: March 2022
China’s raw materials plan targets five key development areas by 2025
by February 25, 2022China’s raw materials plan targets five key development areas by 2025 The country’s new five-year raw materials plan highlights that industry consolidation, environmental considerations, and supply chain security will underpin…
CrucibleThe Crucible: February 2022
Notes from the other side- Travels with my elements
by February 25, 2022Travels with my elements You may not be trained as a metallurgist, but this need not be a barrier to a healthy career in metals. For the young metal merchant,…
CrucibleThe Crucible: February 2022
News in Brief – End market statistics
by February 25, 2022News in Brief – End market statistics Aerospace The major commercial airframe producers, Boeing and Airbus, reported stronger monthly delivery figures for January 2022 compared to a year earlier.…
CrucibleThe Crucible: February 2022
Fastmarkets- Minor Metals In Focus: Selenium
by February 25, 2022Minor Metals In Focus: Selenium In our monthly column for the MMTA, we will be shining the spotlight on a different minor metal each edition, looking at current market conditions…
CrucibleThe Crucible: February 2022
Tantalum market poised to double by 2031
by February 25, 2022Tantalum market poised to double by 2031 The tantalum market has reached an inflection point and is now poised to enter a period of sustained growth, with both supply and…
CrucibleThe Crucible: December 2021 - January 2022
Notes from the other side…
by February 8, 2022Notes from the other side… Retired metal merchant, Anthony Lipmann, illuminates metal trading for the young about to enter the world of metals. So, you want to be a…
CrucibleThe Crucible: December 2021 - January 2022
MMTA Member Announcement – CCMA, LLC
by February 8, 2022“Dear All, Having thought retirement was inevitable and a proper course of events. I have switched directions and have entered into a partnership agreement with CCMA, LLC. CCMA is a…
CrucibleThe Crucible: December 2021 - January 2022
News in Brief
by February 8, 2022Global semiconductor sales increase 23.5% year-on-year in November 2021 In early January 2022, the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) announced that global semiconductor industry sales totalled US$49.7Bn in November 2021, an…
CrucibleThe Crucible: December 2021 - January 2022
Minor Metals In Focus: Indium
by February 8, 2022Minor Metals In Focus: Indium Minor Metals In Focus: Indium In our monthly column for the MMTA, we will be shining the spotlight on a different minor metal each edition,…
CrucibleThe Crucible: December 2021 - January 2022The Crucible: January 2021
China’s RE supply increasing to meet growing demand
by January 31, 2022Since 2021, the global economy has undergone structural changes under the trend of “carbon peak and carbon neutral”, which has led to demand changes in many fields. Rare earth functional…
CrucibleThe Crucible: November 2021
Fastmarkets-Minor Metal In Focus: Antimony
by November 29, 2021Minor Metal In Focus: Antimony In our monthly column for the MMTA, we will be shining the spotlight on a different minor metal each edition, looking at current market…
CrucibleThe Crucible: November 2021
Overview of Current Antimony Industry
by November 29, 2021Antimony is a rare metal variety in the world, known as one of the four China’s strategic resources, together with rare earth, tungsten and tin. Antimony is widely used and…
锑是非常重要的稀缺性战略金属。锑单位用量小且分散,因此锑也被成为“工业味精”,对保障国民经济的持续发展起着极其重要的作用。氧化锑是材料阻燃的关键材料,同时广泛用于化工行业;金属锑主要用于制造合金和高端半导体材料,合金中锑的主要作用是提高合金的硬度,并使其在常温下不氧化,高纯度锑及锑金属化合物(铟锑、银锑、镓锑等)是生产半导体和热点装置的理想材料。 2021年锑价格出现较大幅度波动 作为十种有色金属之一,锑近年表现可以说十分“低调”,价格长期低位徘徊,其战略价值被严重低估。但随着近年新能源和半导体行业对锑应用的增加,特别是进入2021年以来,锑价格经历两拨强劲上涨,市场关注度大幅提升。回顾前三季度锑品价格(锑金属),从2月开始快速上涨,因涨速过快,4月份有所回调,5-6月逐步稳定,7-9月再次冲高,10月国内99.65%锑锭价格已接近80000元/吨,年内价格涨幅接近80%,到达近七年高点,但近期价格已经开始出现回落。 中国锑供应逐渐收缩 目前全球锑矿生产主要集中在中国、俄罗斯、塔吉克斯坦、玻利维亚、澳大利亚、缅甸等国家,长期以来中国在资源储量、开采量、锑品产量等方面依然位居世界首位。 由于近现代长期超强度开采,使得国内锑资源保障程度持续下降,一大批老矿山可采储量急剧减少,一些资源基地甚至出现资源枯竭,主产区骨干企业的资源保障年限普遍偏低。 2018-2020年价格相对低迷,国内资源禀赋的下降,以及环保等因素的共同影响,中国的锑矿产量近年收缩明显,这也是影响全球产量变化的最重要因素。短期来看,随着资源贫化程度的加深以及环保要求的越发苛刻,国内矿山锑产量供应相对紧缺的局面不会发生实质变化,国内外资源供应回升也需要时间,即使是供应得到来自海外资源的补充,在资源、环保、能源结构调整等因素的影响下,产量回到历史的高位恐怕几乎是不可能了。 锑消费预期相对乐观 随着中国经济由高速增长阶段转向高质量发展阶段,国内市场对有色金属等大宗原材料的需求也由持续增长期转入微增长期。根据安泰科研究显示,“十三五”期间,国内部分有色金属消费增长速度已经出现明显回落,可以说国内大宗有色金属需求快速增长的阶段已经结束。随着消费增速的下降,我国主要有色金属需求将在“十四五”期间进入相对平稳的阶段。 但不是所有品种,“十四五”时期,有色金属消费增长将出现分化,新兴产业相关的金属品种需求依然存在较大的成长潜力。对于锑来说,在光伏行业中,最主要应用于超白玻璃,产品是锑酸钠,数据显示,到2030年全球装机量达到600-700GW,在技术路线不变的前提下,光是单锑酸钠的用量就要增加五倍。 另外以美国和日本为代表的发达国家的锑消费在到达峰值区后,将长期保持相对稳定状态,中国和印度等主要发展中国家及经济体对于锑在阻燃方面的需求依然保持比较稳定的需求增长。因此总体判断,锑整体消费预期相对乐观。 现阶段,在新能源运动引领下,新一轮新材料开发和应用风起云涌,锑作为重要的稀有金属战略资源,在当前乃至很长一段时间内,仍将在全球技术产业发展中占据重要地位,并且还将在更多应用领域发挥重要作用。 孙旭 北京安泰科信息股份有限公司 稀有稀土与绿色发展项目部 高级分析师 李伊兰 北京安泰科信息股份有限公司 稀有稀土与绿色发展项目部 分析师 张睿 北京安泰科信息股份有限公司…
London Calling… Clear waters… The UK Supreme Court has recently handed down judgment in Kabab-ji v KFG which reaffirms the principles set out in last year’s Supreme Court decision, Enka…
CrucibleThe Crucible: November 2021
Part 2: The metal student’s dilemma – ‘What can I read?’
by November 29, 2021Perhaps it’s not surprising that an industry of few words, has few words written about it. I refer to text books of instruction rather than comment (of which there is…
CrucibleThe Crucible: November 2021
Extracting high-quality magnesium sulphate from seawater desalination brine
by November 29, 2021Extracting high-quality magnesium sulphate from seawater desalination brine by National Korea Maritime and Ocean University Given that mining to extract high-grade mineral ores is wastefully energy intensive, exhaustible, and bad…
中国铋业启新章 铋是人类最早发现的10种金属之一,自1753年英国C.若弗鲁瓦和T.伯格曼确认铋是一种化学元素开始至今已过二百余年,而在被发现的18世纪,其主要应用于医药领域。在19世纪末至20世纪初,随着家用电器、汽车的发展迅猛,带动了焊料、易熔合金等领域对铋的需求,但由于多种原因,铋在工业化进程中并未受到重视,长期以来铋的需求用量也仅维持在百吨左右。直到上世纪末,由于儿童死于吐泻病的病例激增,全球医药领域再次兴起应用铋剂药物热,随后次水杨酸铋等一系列铋剂药物的推广使用,对铋的需求快速增长,带动了铋的冶炼技术发展和产业规模的扩张。 到2015年,世界铋的主要产品已达百余种,而中国应用的铋产品也达50多种。除医药、易熔合金的消费需求外,铋凭借其半金属的特性也被广泛应用于半导体相关电子工业领域,如温差制冷元件、高速集成电路、参量放大器、离子雪崩光控二极管、光导摄像显像管。我们所常见的一些铋化合物应用,例如BiSbTe3可作为温差电器元件用于太阳能电池、Bi2Te3用于制造低温温差电源、BiAgS2用于制造半导体器件、Bi2O3制作的氧化物膜材料可作导电涂层、Bi2S3主要用于制造光电自动设备中的光电阻用来增大可见光谱区域内光谱的灵敏度、在光学透镜中添加铋的氧化物还可增加比重和折射系数、铋锶钙铜则是著名的高温超导材料。此外铋的许多化合物,如硒化铋、碲化铋都具有拓扑绝缘体结构,在电子、光学等领域具有非常重要的潜在价值。此外铋作为绿色金属,是铅理想的替代品,并在化妆品、汽车玻璃、切削合金的应用前景十分可观。 得益于众多的应用领域,全球对铋的需求用量也从上个世纪九十年代至今数十年间跃至万吨之上。而由于对铋需求快速增长,全球铋冶炼生产接力棒也伴随中国铜铅钨等金属生产能力的飞速发展而传至中国。 中国铋生产最早也可追述至第一次世界大战。新中国成立后,随着经济和社会的发展,铋的生产也取得长足进步,无论是在产业规模,还是在工艺技术、应用推广等方面,都已经在世界上形成引领能力。在新中国铋工业的发展历程中共经历了快速发展(1952-1978年)、改革开放(1978-2000年)和世界领先(2001年起)三个阶段。 进入新世纪以来,凭借资源优势,依靠科技创新,中国已经成为世界铋生产、消费大国,正在进入从产业链中低端,向制造业高端迈进的历史阶段。据中国有色金属工业协会统计,2003年全国铋产量只有1042吨,2004年在市场价格上涨的推动下,产量一举突破万吨,达到11747吨,出现了爆发式增长。2012年中国铋产量再破1.5万吨大关,2015年达到16013吨,占全球产量的85%以上。 而在世界领先新阶段,中国也建成了一批具有实力的企业,形成了全球影响力。铋冶炼回收龙头企业例如2000年成立,后产能达到3000吨的贵溪大三元(原贵溪市三元冶炼化工)与2001年成立,后产能达到4000吨的湖南金旺铋业(原金旺实业),而铋原料生产的主要企业柿竹园有色金属公司在2006年建成2000吨/日选矿厂后于2008年成为国内铋矿山采选规模最大的企业。 外国企业代表到访参观贵溪大三元 通过接近10年的发展时间,中国铋冶炼技术创新取得重要进展,冶炼技术达到世界领先水平。传统的铋冶炼工艺是将铋精矿、海绵铋等含铋原料通过反射炉熔炼。反射炉以粉煤为燃烧原料,燃烧时产生大量二氧化碳和烟雾粉尘污染环境,热效率低(一般只有15%-30%)。中国铋冶炼企业通过技术创新,替代或淘汰反射炉和鼓风炉等落后工艺取得重要进展。2013年,金旺铋业全球首创富氧侧吹炉熔炼新工艺生产铋正式投产,利用氧气代替燃煤,能耗低,产量大,标志中国金属铋冶炼技术水平达到新高度。 雷曼冲击后,通过技术创新,中国低品位、成分复杂的含铋物料也逐渐得到回收利用。河南的豫光金铅从铅阳极泥回收粗铋,2010年开始生产精铋,辽宁葫芦岛锌业从铅和铜系统回收铋也取得了成功。开始生产精铋的企业还有山东的祥光铜业和恒邦冶炼,河南金利金铅、湖南华信有色、兴县富康贵金属、桂阳银利多金属、湖南永兴意水集团等有色金属冶炼企业。 当然,伴随中国铋行业成长的不单只有生产企业,同样也离不开中国铋科研与教育工作者的共同努力。就在2018年,开启在华教会大学男女同校之先河,在诸多领域开一时风气之先,独树一帜的优秀办学传统孕育了一大批爱国青年、志士仁人、学术精英、工程专家和政商翘楚依靠,拥有百年历史的上海理工大学(原沪江大学)于当年12月,由该校理学院成立了铋科学研究中心,又一次将推动中国发展的重担挑在了肩上。该研究中心的铋科学与生物医学材料团队致力于对含铋元素的纳米材料和配合物进行研究,探索其在生物医药、诊断分析、光电催化与传感等领域的研究。 上海理工大学铋科学研究中心 从中国铋行业发展的三个阶段来看,每二十余年中国铋行业就会经历一次较大变革。而如今,正值中国铋业引领世界二十周年之际,由中国有色金属工业协会铟铋锗分会、上海理工大学铋科学研究中心共同主办的“2021年中国铋科学及产业研讨会”即将于8月18-20日在中国铋业发展核心之一的江西鹰潭召开,本届会议也同样得到了上述引领中国铋业走向辉煌的一众企业支持。 本次会议特别邀请到国内外多家知名学府以铋应用为主攻专业研究方向的专家教授,会议报告内容不单有铋在传统应用领域中的新进展,也不乏铋在未来光电子产品发展上铋的最前沿应用趋势,为与会者提供最全面的铋下游发展应用最新动向。同时会议还配套“中国铋行业产学研讨论会”,与会企业家与科研工作者零距离交流,共同探讨企业、市场和行业发展之路。相信由本次会议作为起点,在通过产、学、研的共同努力推动下,中国铋行业定将打开新篇章,迈向新纪元。 中国有色金属工业协会铟铋锗分会副秘书长 北京安泰科信息股份有限公司-稀有稀土和绿色发展项目部经理 刘麦 北京安泰科信息股份有限公司 稀有稀土和绿色发展项目部稀土专家 张睿 北京安泰科信息股份有限公司-稀有稀土和绿色发展项目部分析师 李伊兰 中国铋业启新章 was last modified:…
CrucibleFriends of MufuliraThe Crucible: July – August 2021
Covid stops medical electives programme, so FOM delivers medical equipment instead
by November 4, 2021Covid stops medical electives programme, so FOM delivers medical equipment instead Our MMTA charity is not called ‘Friends of Mufulira’ for nothing and members should be proud that we…
CrucibleThe Crucible: July – August 2021
Green hydrogen: Why do certain catalysts improve in operation?
by November 4, 2021Green hydrogen: Why do certain catalysts improve in operation? by Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres The mineral erythrite consists of cobalt and arsenic oxides with a molecular formula of (Co3(AsO4)2∙8H2O).…
CrucibleThe Crucible: July – August 2021
New chapter of China bismuth industry
by November 4, 2021New chapter of China bismuth industry Bismuth is one of the earliest discovered 10 metals. It was discovered more than 200 years ago in 1753, when researchers C. Rofloy and…
CrucibleThe Crucible: July – August 2021
Minor Metals in Focus: Titanium
by November 4, 2021Minor Metals in Focus: Titanium In our monthly column for the MMTA, we will be shining the spotlight on a different minor metal each edition, looking at current market…
CrucibleThe Crucible: October 2021
THE MMTA IS HIRING – Member Services Administrative Assistant
by November 4, 2021THE MMTA IS HIRING Member Services Administrative Assistant Remote working only 16- 20 hours per week (negotiable) The Minor Metals Trade Association is looking for an administrative assistant to support…
CrucibleThe Crucible: October 2021
HFW Legal insights London Calling… Off spec – off side?
by November 4, 2021Legal insights London Calling… Off spec – off side? The High Court held that specifications for fuel oil in a sale contract were intermediate terms and the buyer could not…
CrucibleThe Crucible: October 2021
China Rare Earth Market Development Status
by November 4, 2021China Rare Earth Market Development Status Rare earth is an important strategic resource with irreplaceable excellent magnetic, optical and electrical properties, which plays a great role in improving product performance,…
CrucibleThe Crucible: October 2021
ESC recommendations on Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism
by November 4, 2021ESC recommendations on Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism CO2 financial mechanism at the external borders of the European Union Published 18th October 2021 Introduction European Shippers’ Council represents importers and exporters…
CrucibleThe Crucible: October 2021
Trade contact Group plenary session on 30 September 2021 – summary of topics will be of interest MMTA Members
by November 4, 2021Trade contact Group plenary session on 30 September 2021 – summary of topics will be of interest MMTA Members Customs representation (topic presented by CONFIAD) Issue: According to CONFIAD,…
Retired metal merchant, Anthony Lipmann, illuminates metal trading for the young about to enter the world of metals. 1: The Jiminy Cricket Theory of Metal Trading: ‘It’s not about the…
稀土是一种重要的战略资源,具有无法取代的优异磁、光、电性能,对改善产品性能,增加产品品种,提高生产效率起到了巨大的作用。被广泛应用于冶金、石油化工、玻璃陶瓷、电子电器等传统领域,以及新材料、新能源、智能装备、电子通讯、轨道交通等新兴领域。稀土是现代工业中不可或缺的重要元素。 众所周知,中国是稀土资源较为丰富的国家之一,也是世界上最大的稀土生产、应用和出口国。但是,中国稀土行业达成当前的局面,是业内经过多年努力的结果。 稀土开发在造福人类的同时,与之相伴的资源和环境问题不断凸显。在稀土开发利用中,资源的合理利用和环境的有效保护是世界面临的共同挑战。近年来,中国在稀土的开采、生产、出口等环节综合采取措施,加大资源和环境保护的力度,努力促进稀土行业持续健康发展。 2006年以来,中国开始对稀土矿产品和稀土冶炼分离产品实施总量进行控制,以期实现对稀土资源有序、高效利用的目标。年度计划一般分两批,分别在上半年和下半年下达。近年来,中国稀土生产指标以稳定且较快的速度逐年提高。2021年度稀土开采、冶炼分离总量控制指标分别为168000吨和162000吨(稀土氧化物REO),同比分别增长20%。 在2016年,中国成立了6大稀土集团,随后的几年,行业整合与大集团内部治理革新持续进行,最终形成了中国稀有稀土股份有限公司、五矿稀土集团有限公司、中国北方稀土(集团)高科技股份有限公司、厦门钨业股份有限公司、中国南方稀土集团有限公司、广东省稀土产业集团有限公司为行业主体的大集团产业协同发展模式。六大稀土集团基本都依托资源和技术优势,业务涵盖稀土资源开发、稀土冶炼分离和稀土功能材料的全产业链。在总量控制计划的指导下,国内主要稀土资源的开发利用告别了恶行竞争而带来的过度开发现象。 黑稀土、稀土生产领域的各种违法行为曾经是长期困扰中国稀土产业健康发展的顽疾。2008年至今,工信部会同公安、海关等多个部门开展相关的打击和整治工作,打击工作由浅入深,在主要稀土资源省区大范围开展。随着稀土大集团整合的完成,首先是北方地区的各类稀土违法现象都得了极其显著的控制。其后随着稀土专用发票、稀土产品追溯体系的建立,南方地区的稀土违法现象也得到了显著控制,黑稀土、走私等违法行为已经基本退出历史舞台。 中国是最重要的稀土供应国,为全球稀土市场包括中国提供了90%的稀土供应量。主要出口产品包括稀土金属及合金、稀土氧化物和稀土化合物。主要出口目的地是美国、日本以及一些欧洲国家。中国稀土行业在产量稳定增长的同时,对全球其他国家的供应量也在增加。根据中国海关发布的最新的数据,今年前8个月,中国累计出口稀土金属及合金6152.9吨,同比增长56.12%;出口稀土氧化物1.52万吨,同比增长32.8%;出口稀土盐类产品1.04万吨,同比增长15.14%。另外,目前稀土最主要的下游应用领域是磁材,中国生产的稀土永磁材料出口到全球100多个国家和地区。今年前8个月,中国累计出口稀土永磁材料3.13万吨,同比增长39.47%。 随着经济全球化的深入发展,中国在稀土领域的国际交流合作日益增多。中国一贯尊重规则,信守承诺,为世界提供了大量的稀土产品。中国将继续按照世界贸易组织规则,加强稀土行业的科学管理,向国际市场供应稀土产品,为世界经济发展和繁荣作出贡献。 北京安泰科信息股份有限公司 稀有稀土和绿色发展项目部稀土专家 张睿
CrucibleThe Crucible: October 2021
New, environmentally friendly method to extract and separate rare earth elements
by November 4, 2021New, environmentally friendly method to extract and separate rare earth elements by Pennsylvania State University Low-grade sources of rare earth elements (REE), for example from industrial waste, typically contain many rare…
CrucibleThe Crucible: September 2021
MMTA International Minor Metals Conference 2021 Round-Up
by September 30, 2021Dear Members, This year’s MMTA International Minor Metals Conference was opened by MMTA Chairwoman Donna Vareha-Walsh of Indium Corporation welcoming and thanking all to our conference and noting that some…
CrucibleThe Crucible: September 2021
The MMTA’s 48th Anniversary Dinner
by September 30, 2021Tuesday 12th October 2021 One Great George Street, London To book your tickets please click here Flying into the UK to attend LME Week? Please use the link below to…
CrucibleThe Crucible: September 2021
MMTA members joined RWM– Recycling & Waste Management Exhibition
by September 30, 2021This years’ RWM Exhibition was held on 22nd-23rd September at the NEC Birmingham. It is the UK’s Largest recycling and waste management event. The exhibition hosted expert speakers, development &…
CrucibleThe Crucible: September 2021
New salts raise the bar for lithium ion battery technology
by September 30, 2021by Silvia Dropulich, Monash University Scientists hope to turn these new anions into thermally stable, non-flammable liquid salts, making them beneficial for batteries operating at high temperatures. Lithium ion batteries are…
CrucibleThe Crucible: September 2021
Metals supercharge a promising method to bury harmful carbon dioxide under the sea
by September 30, 2021by University of Texas at Austin There’s a global race to reduce the amount of harmful gases in our atmosphere to slow down the pace of climate change, and one…
CrucibleThe Crucible: June 2021
Save the Date- The MMTA’s 47th Anniversary Dinner- LME Week
by June 28, 2021SAVE THE DATE The MMTA’s 47th Anniversary Dinner One Great George Street Tuesday 12th October 2021 Dear Members, We are please to inform you that will be returning…
CrucibleThe Crucible: June 2021
Opportunity for MMTA Members; RWM 2021: JOIN THE RESOURCE REVOLUTION
by June 28, 2021RWM 2021: JOIN THE RESOURCE REVOLUTION Event organisers ROAR B2B are pleased to bring to you the long awaited 2021 edition of RWM, taking place on 22-23 September 2021 at the…
CrucibleThe Crucible: June 2021
Roskill: Cobalt as a vital technology enabler
by June 28, 2021In our monthly column for Crucible, we will shine the spotlight on cobalt, an element named after “the goblin of the mines”, as well as a critical mineral for clean…
CrucibleThe Crucible: June 2021
Engineers are developing a new water treatment technology that could also help Mars researchers
by June 28, 2021Engineers are developing a new water treatment technology that could also help Mars researchers – SciTechDaily Amy Lyer June 18, 2021 A catalyst that destroys perchlorate in water could clean the…
CrucibleThe Crucible: June 2021
Supply-demand factors trigger huge fluctuations in China’s cobalt prices
by June 28, 2021Supply-demand factors trigger huge fluctuations in China’s cobalt prices The supply of cobalt raw material has affected the supply and demand in China’s cobalt market since 2021 and it has…
Ruthenium and cryptocurrencies It seems as though Bitcoin is in the mainstream news every day, but did you know there are other cryptocurrencies which are less known? If you follow…
CrucibleThe Crucible: May 2021
Opportunity for MMTA Members, The MMTA and RWM– Recycling & Waste Management exhibition
by May 27, 2021RWM 2021: JOIN THE RESOURCE REVOLUTION Event organisers ROAR B2B are pleased to bring to you the long awaited 2021 edition of RWM, taking place on 22-23 September 2021 at the…
CrucibleThe Crucible: May 2021
Roskill-Minor Metals in Focus: Chromium
by May 27, 2021Minor Metals in Focus: Chromium In our monthly column for the MMTA, we shine the spotlight on a key minor metal, looking at current market conditions and themes for the…
CrucibleThe Crucible: May 2021
Overview of China’s Molybdenum Prices
by May 27, 2021CNIA-Overview of China’s Molybdenum Prices In 2021, China’s domestic molybdenum price has shown a rising trend. In mid May, the molybdenum concentrate (45-50%Mo) price increased to 1,840 yuan/mtu, up 22.7%…
CrucibleThe Crucible: May 2021
Researchers observe two-fold symmetric superconductivity in 2D niobium diselenide
by May 27, 2021Researchers observe two-fold symmetric superconductivity in 2D niobium diselenide by Ingrid Fadelli , In recent years, many material scientists worldwide have been investigating the potential of two-dimensional (2D) materials,…
CrucibleThe Crucible: May 2021
New Appointments to the MMTA’s Board of Directors following the 2021 AGM
by May 27, 2021Welcoming Donna Vareha-Walsh, Indium Corporation elected to the position of MMTA Chair Donna Vareha-Walsh is Global Director of Indium Corporation’s Metals, Compounds, Solar and Refining Sales, Supply Chain and International…