Minor Metals in Focus: Cobalt In our monthly column for the MMTA, we shine the spotlight on a key minor metal, looking at current market conditions and themes for the…
The Crucible: June 2019
Opportunities aplenty for molybdenum demand– by James Jeary Molybdenum is consumed in a broad array of chemical and metallurgical applications spanning the energy, transport, construction, chemical, medical and electronics industries.…
CrucibleThe Crucible: June 2019
Chemists could make ‘smart glass’ smarter by manipulating it at the nanoscale
by MMTA June 19, 2019Chemists could make ‘smart glass’ smarter by manipulating it at the nanoscale 4th June 1019- by Anne Manning, Colorado State University “Smart glass,” an energy-efficiency product found in newer windows of…
CrucibleThe Crucible: June 2019
VIEW FROM NORTH AMERICA: Of Rare Earths, Morocco and Gallium Nitride
by MMTA June 19, 2019VIEW FROM NORTH AMERICA Of Rare Earths, Morocco and Gallium Nitride Dear Members, Maybe spring is really here? I shall not go any further than “maybe.” But there are some…
CrucibleThe Crucible: June 2019
Charging into the future—novel rock salt for use in rechargeable magnesium batteries
by MMTA June 19, 2019Charging into the future—novel rock salt for use in rechargeable magnesium batteries Life today depends heavily on electricity. However, the unrelenting demand for electricity calls for increasingly greener and “portable”…
CrucibleThe Crucible: June 2019
A superior, low-cost catalyst for water-splitting
by MMTA June 19, 2019A superior, low-cost catalyst for water-splitting by Indian Institute of Science In a significant step toward large-scale hydrogen production, researchers at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) have developed a low-cost…
CrucibleThe Crucible: June 2019
Summary of the TechUK | Responsible mineral sourcing dialog—Write up
by MMTA June 19, 2019Summary of the TechUK | Responsible mineral sourcing dialog—Write up Key themes and insights Among the key points and insights made during the day: Companies are not just concentrating on…