The Current Status of Critical Raw Materials in the European union
On 27 September 2018, the second bi-annual CRM Day took place at the Club Des Guides, Brussels. The event, entitled “The Current Status of CRMs in the European Union”, gathered key players in the raw materials field.
The speakers of the two panels, respectively dedicated to Production and Trade of CRMs, identified the key issues that their substances encounter at European level and opened the floor to a constructive exchange of views on how the European Union should address the challenges faced by CRMs and raw materials in general.
5 Takeaways:
- CRMs play a pivotal role in the future of sustainability, environment protection and energy production
- Inconsistency of EU policies undermine the investment climate for production and use of CRMs
- Overregulation negatively impacts the production and use of CRMs and often translates in overburden of industry
- Trade policies should always incorporate principles of both free and fair trade of CRMs
- More needs to be done to promote CRMs in view of the upcoming EU elections and new European landscape
The full Event Report is available online: