Uhr Corporation
- Processor
- Producer
- Recycler
- Supllier
- Trader
We, Uhr, are a recycler for scrap rare metals, and ready to do business with you in trust.
Uncommon materials needed for semiconductors, displays, aerospace, power generation, (petro-)chemicals, offshore plants, and so forth, are supplied by us, and scraps generated there are collected, processed, and shipped on demand.
We pursue delivering only the best to customers with a firm belief that materials are of the highest quality or nothing.
The materials mainly handled by us are below:
– Minor metals such as Ta, Ti, Mo, W, Zr, and their alloys
– Other minor metals
– Ni/Co based alloys including superalloys
– Rare earths like Nd magnet
– Base metals
– E-scrap
– Material with PGMs coated on/alloyed in
– Spent catalysts
– Etc.
Uhr Corp.
38-1 Hodong-gil, Wansan-gu, Jeonju
Jeonbuk 55075
South Korea