In Seller’s option
Tariff No.
2804 5090
Te | 99 | % min. |
No other elements specified.
Ingots, sticks or powder.
Original producer’s packing.
Lot Size & Tolerance
500 KG (+/- 2%)
Standard documentation, as per MMTA Consolidated Regulations.
Weighing & Sampling
As per MMTA Consolidated Regulations.
Other Notes
Buyers should be aware that there are many different productions and qualities of Tellurium and therefore specific details of same should be discussed when contracting.
Tellurium metal was taken off the United Nations Dangerous Goods (UNDG) list by 1998 therefore IMDG rules no longer apply to this material.
…………………………………. (sampling and assaying guidance below is optional)……………………………..
Inspection Schedule
Open all containers, note any different markings or indications of heterogeneity or contamination. Opening all the containers may well be impractical, alternatively open at least the number of drums for a 500 Kg parcel, increasing by a 20% of that number for each subsequent sub lot of 500 Kg. That is to say [N + 20% N/21 drums for 1000 Kg, [N + 20% N/3] drums for 1500 Kg, etc.
Sampling Schedule
If there are no indications of material heterogeneity then sample on an incremental basis of 500 Kg sublots. If heterogeneity is suspected select the incremental groups accordingly.
(a) Ingots/Sticks, from the contents of each of the emptied containers take pieces at a rate of half the square root (rounded up) of the number of pieces in the container. Drill each piece using a predetermined template which accounts for the whole of the piece form, mix to create a sublot sample.
(b) Powder, using the appropriate auger draw samples from three places from each opened container, to the full depth. Mix and reduce the increments by coning and quartering to secure a bulk sample in a sealed container.
Sample Preparation
The bulk samples after careful mixing, cutting up drillings where necessary, can either be composited for the parcel, or treated individually, and quality samples drawn. The moisture level should also be checked where powders are sampled.
The balance of any bulk samples should be kept.
(see also BS EN 23954:1993, ISO 3954:1977)