Donna Vareha-Walsh
We regret to inform you that the MMTA board has received the resignation of Donna Vareha-Walsh as chair of the MMTA, effective from 7th October 2022.
Donna has moved to a new company that is unfortunately not yet a member of the MMTA. Therefore, in accordance with the MMTA Rules and Articles of Association of the MMTA she has had to step down from her position.
Donna has been a fantastic chair and a great ambassador for the MMTA. We wish Donna every success in her new role and company, and hope that she will soon be back playing an active role within the MMTA.
In the interim, the chairs responsibilities will be shared amongst existing board members and management committee. During the AGM in April we will be electing board members to the position of Chair, Vice-Chair and Treasurer.
We would also welcome new applicants to join the board. Please email Freya Kerwin freya@mmta.co.uk or contact any existing board member if you have interest in joining.