2023 Strategic Foresight Report—deadline 13 March
The European Commission has launched a call for evidence to inform its 2023 Strategic Foresight Report. This report is published every year, and informs the European Commision’s priorities for work during the year. You can read the 2022 Strategc Foresight Report, on ‘Twinning the green and digital transition in the new geopolitical context’ here: https://commission.europa.eu/strategy-and-policy/strategic-planning/strategic-foresight/2022-strategic-foresight-report_en
Priorities included areas such as digitalising energy and construction and investing in green transport to advance climate neutrality. Relevant to the metals industry is the priority given to Strategically managing supply of critical materials and commodities, by adopting a long-term systemic approach to avoid a new dependency trap.
The Foresight process underpinning the report looks at the following questions:
- What major challenges will need to be addressed to achieve a socially, economically and environmentally sustainable Europe by 2050?
- What major opportunities will need to be considered in this context?
- How can intergenerational fairness be ensured in the transition process?
- Where are the risks of tensions? What are the potential consequences of an unbalanced distribution of advantages from the transition?
- In the face of budgetary constraints, what policies are needed to ensure that the transition to sustainability remains affordable?
- Should there be a change to the current social contract, and if Ref. Ares(2023)1031881 – 13/02/2023 2 yes, in which direction?
- What health and population trends (e.g. physical and mental health, ageing, social inclusion and other aspects of wellbeing) will need to be taken into account? What are the challenges and opportunities of these trends?
- How might the social and economic aspects of the green transition impact on democratic processes in the EU?
- How can the EU succeed in transforming its economy to ensure it operates successfully within the planetary boundaries? How can the wellbeing of current and future generations be ensured? How could a successful sustainability transition help the EU strengthen its global leadership and open strategic autonomy?
Any MMTA member wishing to contribute their views directly can do so here by 13 March: https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/better-regulation/have-your-say/initiatives/13711-2023-Strategic-Foresight-Report_en.
However, if you would like the MMTA as your association to respond on our collective behalf, or to contribute to a joint response by our partner association CRM Alliance please email your key points to us at admin@mmta.co.uk
Proposal on amending Directive 2012/19/EU on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) — deadline 4 April
This is a consultation on amending liability pre-2013 for handling solar panel waste.
On 25 January 2022, the EU Court of Justice declared Article 13 of the WEEE Directive partially invalid as it made producers liable for the the costs of collection, treatment, recovery and environmentally sound disposal of waste from photovoltaic panels in the period from 13 August 2005 until 13 August 2013 when the WEEE directive was adopted, causing an “unjustified retroactive effect”. Prior to this there was a choice for the cost to be borne by the waste holders, producer or distributor.
The proposal from the European Commission and the European Parliament is to amend the article to make producers responsible only from 15 August 2018 to finance the management of waste from ‘open scope’ (private households and other users) EEE. You can give your feedback here until 4 April https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/better-regulation/have-your-say/initiatives/13731-Waste-electrical-and-electronic-equipment-targeted-amendment_en
Ecodesign for Sustainable Products — deadline 25 April
A call for evidence and a questionnaire has been launched on the first list of possible priority products to target under the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR). An initial list of 12 end-use products, 7 intermediary products and horizontal measures has been identified:
- End-use products: Textiles and Footwear; Furniture; Ceramic Products; Tyres; Detergents; Bed Mattresses; Lubricants; Paints and Varnishes; Cosmetic Products; Toys; Fishing Nets and Gears; Absorbent Hygiene Products.
- Intermediary products: Iron and Steel; Non-Ferrous Metals; Aluminium; Chemicals; Plastic and Polymers; Paper, Pulp Paper and Boards; Glass.
- Horizontal measures: Durability; Recyclability; Post-Consumer Recycled Content.
You can access and respond to this consultation here by 25 April : https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/better-regulation/have-your-say/initiatives/13682-New-product-priorities-for-Ecodesign-for-Sustainable-Products_en