Benchmark is excited to announce Battery Gigafactories Europe 2023 as a live, and in-person conference being held 28-29th March at the Intercontinental Budapest, Hungary. Two days of discussions will explore the rise of…
energy storage
Battery Gigafactories USA 2023
by Polina Sparks January 31, 2023Central to the Energy Transition, this would not be possible without the rise of gigafactories. Join Benchmark Minerals intelligene in Washington DC for Battery Gigafactories USA 2023, a live, and…
CrucibleThe Crucible: October 2016
BMW Unveils Plans to Use New & Used Electric Vehicle Batteries for Homes & Businesses
by MMTA October 13, 2016BMW plans to turn new and used electric vehicle batteries into a system that can store energy for homes and businesses. The product—recently unveiled in Montreal, marks the company’s entry…
CrucibleMinor Metals and ApplicationsThe Crucible: June 2023
Critical materials underpinning energy transition: vanadium
by Polina Sparks June 30, 2023What makes vanadium critical? Vanadium ranks 10/40 in Project Blue’s Critical Materials Risk Index (CMRI) 2022. Concerns over vanadium supply availability are underpinned by its co-product nature. Vanadium feedstock…
Energy Conversion and Storage Days
by Polina Sparks February 10, 2023The three-day event is organized by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and will take place at the premises of KIT, Campus Nord in Karlsruhe/Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen. To register, please visit:…
Could electric vehicles be one solution to energy storage? Maria Cox, MMTA What if the electricity grid were to use the batteries in the growing numbers of electric vehicles to…
CrucibleThe Crucible: February/March 2024
Iron phosphate redefines preferences in the battery raw materials
by Polina Sparks March 11, 2024Amid the global energy transition, battery-grade iron phosphate has captured increasing market interest as the precursor used to make lithium iron phosphate (LFP) batteries. LFP demand is growing from electric…
CrucibleMinor Metals and ApplicationsResourcesThe Crucible: June 2023
Niobium in batteries: When a downside can be an asset
by Polina Sparks June 30, 2023In many respects, niobium’s properties resemble those of its chemical cousin tantalum, but nearly always in a way that disappoints. Niobium is chemically resistant to mineral acids, it can…
CRM - Critical Raw MaterialsCrucibleMinor Metals and ApplicationsThe Crucible: September 2024
The Outlook for Battery Metals
by Polina Sparks September 30, 2024EVs drive demand Annual global lithium-ion battery demand is expected to sur-pass 1 TWh (1,000 GWh) for the first time this year. Demon-strating the scale of growth in this sector,…