From the A Bomb to Hinkley Point and Beyond — Minor Metals in Nuclear James Walsh, MMTA Nuclear power has certainly had its up and downs over the last 70…
Forging ahead with titanium As US seeks to cut its dependence in titanium, critical for aviation and military industries, on imports, particularly from Russia, long overdue investments in domestic…
The Crucible: January 2015
Supply chain excellence centre supported and steered by industry – AREC
by MMTA January 30, 2015By Professor Lenny Koh, University of Sheffield 51 industry and academic experts gathered in the Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) in July 2014, exploring supply chain challenges during a half-day… -
As we get closer to the century since the discovery of rhenium, speciality metals trader Anthony Lipmann introduces us to the extraordinary woman who identified this rare element in the…