The Critical Raw Materials Alliance recently held its bi-annual meeting in Brussels. The Alliance met with the consultants TNO, who are tasked with completing the new CRM list for 2017.…
raw materials
CrucibleThe Crucible: May 2018
New EU ‘Urban Mining’ Tools Map Valuable Resources in e-Waste, Scrap Vehicles, Mine Waste
by MMTA May 14, 2018Standardized, consolidated data helps to identify recovery potential of secondary raw materials worth € billions wasted annually. Expert organizations have united to create the first European database of valuable materials…
The Coming Radical Change in Mining Practice Dr Simon Michaux, Senior Research Officer, GeMMe University of Liege presents a personal perspective on the environmental impact of resource consumption. I used…
Raw Materials Week, 8th edition
by Polina Sparks October 26, 2023The Raw Materials Week is an annual event organised by the European Commission. It gathers a wide range of stakeholders discussing policies and initiatives in the field of raw material, providing…