By Tom Butcher In addition to its base metal, oil and other natural resources, Brazil has considerable wealth in a variety of minor metals. Brazil has been having a very…
CrucibleThe Crucible: Jan 2016
By-Product Status: Implications For Reserve Estimates
by MMTA January 5, 2016C P Broadbent (Wardell Armstrong), R Seltmann (Natural History Museum), J Drielsma (Euromines), W Reimer (Geokompetenzzentrum Freiberg), M Cox (MMTA) Because there is no exploration and little process technology development… -
CrucibleThe Crucible: June 2023
China: Tungsten 2022 Market Review and 2023 Outlook
by Polina Sparks June 30, 2023Price and output analysis In 2022, China tightened rules on environmental protection and operational safety. Since Pan-Asia APT inventory was nearly exhausted, and the inventory of various Chinese enterprises was…
CrucibleThe Crucible: March 2022
Chinese tungsten prices rise continuously
by Polina Sparks March 31, 2022Tungsten is a scarce strategic resource. After more than 100 years of mining, domestic consumption of Wolframite resources is relatively more. Currently, scheelite resources are mostly mined. To protect…
By Ian Weekes, Crowe, Clarke, Whitehill EU announces agreement to curb the trade in Conflict Minerals The EU has announced that agreement has been reached in negotiations between the Commission,…
Could this be the most popular mine in the world? Who would be a miner? If your name happens to be Glencore, Anglo, BHP, Vedanta, Rio, you might be wondering…
The Crucible: January 2015
European Conflict Minerals Legislation – Where is this leading for EU business?
by MMTA January 30, 2015By Maria Cox, MMTA It would be very easy to think that because the EU’s proposed conflict minerals regulation has been announced as voluntary, it won’t have much of an… -
Dear Members Rather than dwell on just how horrible the markets have been since I last wrote you, I thought I’d have a quick look back over 2014 and see…
The MMTA’s Sustainability Working Group (SWG) has produced a new report on how minor metals contribute to sustainable road transport. The full document can be found on the MMTA website…
The world’s population is growing quickly; people are moving to urban centres, and raw material demand is expected to increase three-fold by 2050. Government and business need to face these…
CrucibleThe Crucible: August 2023
Mission Improbable: Reshaping DRC’s artisanal mining
by Polina Sparks September 11, 2023On May 1st of this year, according to press reports, soldiers of the army of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) descended on the east of the country to…
Our Mission: We made the decision many years ago to centralize our focus on Tungsten and the alloys that are part of its family. Our mission is to be the…
CrucibleThe Crucible: March 2016
MMTA Welcomes Tophet Corporation as a New Member
by MMTA March 2, 2016Trader Tophet Corporation has been serving the specialty metals industry for over 20 years with a specific focus on vacuum melters. We are committed to sourcing and consistently delivering high… -
DRC court puts administrator in charge of Tenke Fungurume mine At the end of February, the Tribunal of Commerce in the south-eastern city of Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo, announced…
Thank you to all the US members who contributed to the MMTA consultation on the Office of US Trade Representative’s (USTR) consultation on Section 301 tariffs that included proposed 25%…
CrucibleMinor Metals and ApplicationsThe Crucible: September 2024
Nuclear Propulsion in Space
by Polina Sparks September 29, 2024View from North America Dear MMTA Members, Good afternoon from Cleveland Heights, Ohio this Labor Day. And it is quite stunning weather here: sun shining, not too hot and…
András Szép (1957-2024), was one of a group of talented metal merchants who came to prominence – and survived – from the era of 1990s post-communism. I came to know…
CrucibleLegislation and RegulationThe Crucible: December 2024Trade Issues
The MMTA’s public response to Request for Comments: Proposed Modifications to the Section 301 Actions (Docket Number USTR-2024-0016)
by Polina Sparks December 18, 2024In September the US Trade Representative consulted on proposed additions to the USTR’s Section 301’s 25% import duties, extending this tariff level 3 subheadings of the HTS code covering certain…
The Crucible: June 2015
The Politics of Compromise – EU Conflict Minerals Regulation
by MMTA June 25, 2015In its vote on 20th May, the European Parliament overturned both the European Commission’s proposal as well as the recent vote of the International Trade Committee. The Commission originally proposed… -
The incandescent lightbulb has been making homes safer and brighter for over 100 years. After centuries using fires, candles, oil lamps and gas, the invention of the incandescent lightbulb transformed…
In recent years, titanium has caught the eye of golf club manufacturers and amazingly, fire investigators. Yes, titanium clubs have the potential to spark upon striking rocks, creating one of…
Mongolia+ Dear Members, You may remember that, in my last missive, I indicated that I was off to Mongolia with my son (his graduation present). Well, 20,000 miles of international…
CrucibleThe Crucible: April 2019
VIEW FROM NORTH AMERICA : Of Critical Minerals in Australia
by MMTA April 4, 2019VIEW FROM NORTH AMERICA Of Critical Minerals in Australia Dear Members The winter storm I wrote about in my last letter never actually materialized. But Harry still had his day…
Visual Capitalist produces some fanstastic infographics, and they kindly gave the Crucible permission to reproduce them. The image below shows ‘What’s inside an iPhone 6’ and as you can see…