This is how the UK Government intends to convert EU law into British Law. However, not all EU environmental law can simply be copied in this manner, including REACH.
The Environmental Audit Committee (“EAC”), of the House of Commons has launched an inquiry on the future of Chemicals Regulation post-Brexit. It will focus on the future of REACH in the UK, and the impact of chemicals regulation on environmental protection, public safety and the UK’s chemical industry. The future of REACH has huge implications for future trade with the EU.
The inquiry will consider the challenges to using the Great Repeal Bill to put REACH into UK law and the impact of Brexit negotiations, as well as how to transfer administration and enforcement from the European Chemicals Agency (“ECHA”) to domestic bodies; the likely implications for industry in terms of regulatory, environmental and safety standards; and whether the UK Government has the expertise and resources to regulate REACH in the UK. It will also look at the scope for a UK chemicals regulation post-Brexit and its implications on the environment, public safety and UK industry.
Submissions are requested by 20 January 2017 and should be made here Late submissions will be accepted by may be too late to inform the first oral evidence hearing.